Account Information
Here is some important information about your MHWSC account. If you do not find the answer on this page, we have complied a list of frequently asked questions. Just click on "Customer Service Questions" section.
Still have questions? Customer Service Representatives are available to help. Call us at (956) 565-2491.
- Understanding My Account
- Understanding My Bill
- Reading My Meter
Your water meter is read monthly and regularly checked for maintenance and repairs.
If you have any questions regarding meter readings, please call MHWSC's Customer Service Department at (956) 565-2491.
Who is responsible?
MHWSC is responsible for maintenance and repairs to the water system from the street to the meter.
The customer side of the meter begins at the customer valve located inside the meter box. The customer is responsible for any necessary repairs at and beyond the customer valve away from the street. MHWSC is not able to check for or repair leaks on customer property.
If you need emergency assistance turning your water off to repair a leak and cannot locate your customer valve, call the Customer Service Department at (956) 565-2491.
Meter Location
Residential water meters are located in a black plastic box in the ground, usually just inside the property. Please help us serve you by keeping the meter box free of plants, shrubs, and dirt.
Reading Your Water Meter
The meter is read like an automobile odometer. MHWSC meters record water used in gallons. MHWSC is installing radio-read meters which are read using a radio signal and the meter reader does not need to physically access the meter box to get a reading.
Track Your Daily Usage
Read and record the meter reading on two consecutive days. By subtracting the previous day's reading from the current reading, you can find out how many gallons of water you used in a specific period of time. This how your monthly bill is calculated.
Do you have a water leak?
There are many things you can do to test and check for invisible or slow leaks. Leaks occur both inside the house and outdoors. To detect a leak you can monitor your meter, use dye tables to test your toilets, and check your yard piping for leaks.
Paying My Bill
When is the bill due?
Your bill is due upon presentation and becomes delinquent ten days after the date billed. A late charge of one dollar will be levied on any unpaid balance and a late notice will be mailed indicating a cut-off date and service may be discontinued for non-payment. If it becomes necessary to disconnect service for non-payment, the entire past due amount, late charges and penalties, and a reconnection fee must be paid before service is restored.
If you dispute the amount of your bill
If you dispute the amount charged, please call Customer Service for an explanation. If you are still not satisfied, you must submit your complaint, or request for review, in writing to MHWSC within fifteen days of receipt of your bill. Your service will not be terminated until the review has been completed and you have been notified of the corporation's decision. You will then be given an opportunity to pay the bill or make payment arrangements to avoid termination of service.
If you have difficulty paying your bill
If you have difficulty paying your bill on time, please call Customer Service at (956) 565-2491 before the payment is due to make payment arrangements. In some circumstances, financial assistance may be available from private, local, state, or federal sources. Customer Service will be happy to provide you with this information.
How to avoid termination of service
We will not discontinue service for non-payment of a bill if you establish to our satisfactory that your are financially unable to pay the bill in full and/or that discontinuation of service would result in a life-threatening situation, provided you agree to pay the past due bill in reasonable installments while keep any future bill current. We may ask you to furnish proof from a licensed physician, public health officer, or social worker.

Customer Service Notice